Saturday, April 29, 2023

Class VII- Maths Around Me

Mathematics is one of the first things we learn in our life. 
Mathematics is the science that deals with the logic of shape, quantity and arrangement. Math is all around us, in everything we do. It is the building block for everything in our daily lives. 

To encourage and motivate students to see mathematics and it's relevance in the real world, an activity - "Maths Around Me" was conducted in Class VII.

The students presented various real life objects and examples where they see mathematics which includes timetable pasted in the classroom, the tiling of the floor, the lockers and almirah kept there, the doors of the classroom, the room itself, the lift in the school premises, the stairs we use, daily routine purchases (like bread, milk etc.), the distance covered, time taken and speed in reaching school, discount or sale, cooking, recipe, observing different patterns and many more. 

It helped students in peer-learning (the various examples provided by all the students helped everyone to analyse the use of mathematics in real life) and relating the topics studied so far, with their surroundings

Friday, April 28, 2023

Class VI- Bingo Time! (Activity)

Bingo is an incredibly fun game to play in group, is very easy to play, and can help rehearse anything. 
Such a fun activity- MATHS BINGO! was conducted in Class VI, where students made their LCM Bingo Cards by writing the numbers in shuffled order. 

Then, a die was rolled twice. Students find the LCM of the rolled numbers and crossed the number in the answer. 

The first student to get a 4 in a row, column or diagonal was the winner

It helped them in recapitulating the topic which involves doing mental calculations as well. The students really enjoyed playing this fun activity, BINGO!! 

Learning Zone: Celebrating Computing Week

Celebrating Computing Week: A Showcase of Innovation Our students brought the world of computing to life in the Learning Zone! To commemorat...